How to file a water damage claim.
3/8/2023 (Permalink)
Water damage can be devastating to your home or business. But if you are insured, filing a water loss claim is actually pretty simple. Here's what you need to know about the process.
Contact your insurance company as soon as possible.
If you have received water damage to your home or business, the first thing you should do is contact your insurance company. They will want to know what happened, how much damage there is and whether or not they need to file a claim on your behalf. If they do, they will send out an adjuster who can assess the situation and provide advice on next steps.
Talk to your insurance adjuster about your coverage and options.
If you have a water damage claim, it's important to talk to your insurance adjuster. Insurance adjusters are trained to help you and your family understand what's covered under the terms of your policy. They can also help guide you through the claims process, including negotiating with contractors and vendors on your behalf.
In most cases, insurance companies will require that any repairs be performed by licensed professionals who hold liability insurance themselves and if they don't meet these requirements, then it may be necessary for someone from the company itself to step in and finish the job instead of hiring someone else at an inflated cost just because he happened by first.
Document the damage with photos or videos.
Take photos of the damage. You can use your phone to take photos, but if you have the option, it's best to use a camera. The more angles and perspectives you capture in these images, the better. For example, if there's water damage on your ceiling and walls, as well as inside cabinets or closets and possibly even under rugs, take photos from each room so that you have documentation of how far-reaching this issue may be and how much work will be required to fix it all up again!
Get pictures from outside as well. It might seem obvious that one should snap shots from outside their home after experiencing any kind of severe weather event, like flooding. Many people forget about this step when trying to document their claim with insurance companies or other agencies involved in filing claims for homeowners' insurance policies.
A water loss claim can be complicated, but it doesn't have to be overwhelming
File a claim as soon as possible after discovering the damage. Your insurance company will want documentation of the damage and how it happened, so take photos and video of any affected areas before cleaning up or making repairs. If possible, keep a record of all your phone calls with adjusters and other representatives from your insurance company so that there are no misunderstandings later on. A water loss claim can be complicated, but it doesn't have to be overwhelming.
Make sure you understand what type of policy coverage applies in your case, theft vs vandalism or natural disaster, and whether or not any specific exclusions apply (like earthquake coverage).
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